Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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We make Taco boats. That makes them taste better. I find then bland. Also slicing and placing them on a tray sprinkled with spices and covered with parmesan cheese and roasted. We usually do tomato slices as well. It's such an easy veggie to grow so might as well figure out the best way to eat 'em😉
Slice in 1/2 inch slices toss in olive oil and seasoning and either grill or roast. I like your addition of Parmesan cheese, I do the same thing with oil and seasoning to havled Brussels sprouts and will cover with Parmesan cheese and broil for twelve minutes or less.


i used to be really into horror but these days i'm mostly into action, horror comedy and sci fi. that being said, the latest evil dead was pretty good. i used to be into the saw movies, hostel movies. i thought the sinister movies were pretty good. my fav's are the aliens feanchise.
Yeah man fucking love aliens especially this ultimate badass
IMG 7250

Can’t wait for the new film 🍿


Squash/zucchini is very good for us and worth the time and effort. Matter of fact every veggie we can grow will be healthier for us as they won't be covered in insecticides and soil grown saturated in insecticides😉
Yup good stuff, I grow zucchini, yellow squash, eggplants, cube it & mix it all together with Italian spices and fry it up in some olive oil forget about it, it's delicious!

..and eggplant calzones too!


Hey all

Hope you don’t mind me train wrecking this train wreck thread but this seems the place to get some info from like minded people 🤞

Horror movies and Weed!

I fucking love getting high and scaring the shit out of myself (yeah I’ve got issues 🤪)

Recently watched a couple of winners in the 2 terrifier movies and the 2 Creep movies. Any recommendations for films to creep me the fuck out would be awesome.

Cheers all ✌🏼
Have you seen Hereditary?

Go watch a trailer or part of a movie breakdown. Its the most unsettling, freaky horror movie ive ever seen.

Its the modern generation's exorcist essentially, its a movie that is GENUINELY as terrifying as all the old heads thought the exorcist was (to me the exorcist was so laughably cheesy its an unintentional comedy lol)

Hands down, no contest, no comparison, Hereditary is the freakiest movie ive ever seen.

I stopped watching horror movies after hereditary. Im good. No thank you. Its that intense. It traumatized me a bit, as an adult that was into horror flicks. I probably sat for an hour after it was over, just unsettled and unwilling to do anything but just sit there and stare. I had a thousand yard stare for probably a day or two after

its so well done, with a truly freaky story arch. Absolutely incredible acting, and a vibe many horror flicks try and fail to nail.


Have you seen Hereditary?

Go watch a trailer or part of a movie breakdown. Its the most unsettling, freaky horror movie ive ever seen.

Its the modern generation's exorcist essentially, its a movie that is GENUINELY as terrifying as all the old heads thought the exorcist was (to me the exorcist was so laughably cheesy its an unintentional comedy lol)

Hands down, no contest, no comparison, Hereditary is the freakiest movie ive ever seen.

I stopped watching horror movies after hereditary. Im good. No thank you. Its that intense. It traumatized me a bit, as an adult that was into horror flicks. I probably sat for an hour after it was over, just unsettled and unwilling to do anything but just sit there and stare.
Literally watched it last weekend it was great, I was in shock at the phone pole scene 🤯


i knew as soon as that movie ended that i was done with the horror genre personally. I dipped out big time after that one.

It got to me, real bad.
I think a lot of this happened because i had a gf's young children in my life at the time. Just about anything involving children getting hurt or fucked with during that period of my life, was probably the biggest source of anxiety ive ever had. Having young children in my life that i was taking care of turned me into a different person overnight and even after we split, i stayed that way lmao.

Had i still been a single dude, or dating someone without kids, i dont think i would have been hit so hard by hereditary.


I think a lot of this happened because i had a gf's young children in my life at the time. Just about anything involving children getting hurt or fucked with during that period of my life, was probably the biggest source of anxiety ive ever had. Having young children in my life that i was taking care of turned me into a different person overnight and even after we split, i stayed that way lmao.

Had i still been a single dude, or dating someone without kids, i dont think i would have been hit so hard by hereditary.
Yeah man I get that


Yeah it is. The google and IMDB reviews are freaking hilarious. You have to check them out and you’ll see what I mean ;)

What kinds of horror movies do you like?

Possession by Zulowski is one of my favorites that anyone who likes any kind of horror movie should enjoy. There’s some other dumb movie with the same name, heads up.

The House that Jack Built is the best serial killer movie in my opinion. Definitely some child killing, fair warning. Same director did “Antichrist” and which I also recommend but only if you’re cool with super slow movies. He actually made that movie as an ode to Possession by Zulowski.

My best friend does special effects for horror movies, B grade and mega million A listers both. He prefers the B movies but he has to make a living somehow..

I’m mostly an arthouse and acid horror kinda guy, but I can ask my friend about any sub genre and get recommendations for you.


Yeah it is. The google and IMDB reviews are freaking hilarious. You have to check them out and you’ll see what I mean ;)

What kinds of horror movies do you like?

Possession by Zulowski is one of my favorites that anyone who likes any kind of horror movie should enjoy. There’s some other dumb movie with the same name, heads up.

The House that Jack Built is the best serial killer movie in my opinion. Definitely some child killing, fair warning. Same director did “Antichrist” and which I also recommend but only if you’re cool with super slow movies. He actually made that movie as an ode to Possession by Zulowski.

My best friend does special effects for horror movies, B grade and mega million A listers both. He prefers the B movies but he has to make a living somehow..

I’m mostly an arthouse and acid horror kinda guy, but I can ask my friend about any sub genre and get recommendations for you.
Thanks mate, will check them out. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen Antichrist. Honestly I’ll watch anything once, but I’m a sucker for serial killers or found footage flicks. Some other good ones I’ve seen lately are late night with the devil, speak no evil and hell house llc.


Yeah it is. The google and IMDB reviews are freaking hilarious. You have to check them out and you’ll see what I mean ;)

What kinds of horror movies do you like?

Possession by Zulowski is one of my favorites that anyone who likes any kind of horror movie should enjoy. There’s some other dumb movie with the same name, heads up.

The House that Jack Built is the best serial killer movie in my opinion. Definitely some child killing, fair warning. Same director did “Antichrist” and which I also recommend but only if you’re cool with super slow movies. He actually made that movie as an ode to Possession by Zulowski.

My best friend does special effects for horror movies, B grade and mega million A listers both. He prefers the B movies but he has to make a living somehow..

I’m mostly an arthouse and acid horror kinda guy, but I can ask my friend about any sub genre and get recommendations for you.
Just IMDb’d them possession and the house that jack built look right up my street they will go top of my to watch list. Thanks 👍 keep em coming if you think of any more like that


Have you seen Hereditary?

Go watch a trailer or part of a movie breakdown. Its the most unsettling, freaky horror movie ive ever seen.

Its the modern generation's exorcist essentially, its a movie that is GENUINELY as terrifying as all the old heads thought the exorcist was (to me the exorcist was so laughably cheesy its an unintentional comedy lol)

Hands down, no contest, no comparison, Hereditary is the freakiest movie ive ever seen.

I stopped watching horror movies after hereditary. Im good. No thank you. Its that intense. It traumatized me a bit, as an adult that was into horror flicks. I probably sat for an hour after it was over, just unsettled and unwilling to do anything but just sit there and stare. I had a thousand yard stare for probably a day or two after

its so well done, with a truly freaky story arch. Absolutely incredible acting, and a vibe many horror flicks try and fail to nail.
Sold, I have skipped over it for a while now and your description just convinced me to watch it. 🤣🤣🤣


oh how i laughed when a challenge convinced me to watch it. Was probably the only time ill ever laugh in the context of that movie though.

I still think it hitting me so hard had something to do with multiple young children i was responsible for being a part of my life for the first time. But i still have the same hollow anxiety now when i think about that movie as i did right after.

It's the most disturbing film ive ever seen though for sure. And it also holds the title of most disturbing film ill ever see. Cannibal holocaust didnt bug me nearly as much as hereditary. The only other movie i ever watched on challenge. Probably why i was so confident going into hereditary.

There are plenty of people it didnt hit this hard though. Ive talked to plenty who breezed through hereditary and couldn't handle cannibal holocaust. Ymmv for sure lol. When a well done movie hits a certain level of intensity, its going to affect different people differently big time.

The acting in hereditary is unbelievably good for a horror flick btw. Top tier on point. So is the writing, the vibe, all of it. Doesn't feel like it at first, but quickly becomes something you cant turn off. I would have if i could have. It's definitely the most well done horror flick ive ever seen. Im totally content with that being the tip of the ice berg for me.
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It's the most disturbing film ive ever seen though for sure. And it also holds the title of most disturbing film I’ll ever see. Cannibal holocaust didnt bug me nearly as much as hereditary. The only other movie i ever watched on challenge. Probably why i was so confident going into hereditary.
Cannibal holocaust messed me up if I’m honest but I saw it when I was young and honestly thought it was a real documentary. There’s only two films I’ll never watch again and it’s that and the Serbian ☠️
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