Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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I transitioned from a fatty desk job at NOAA/Natl weather serive, to running the grounds crew of a country club for salary pay, and doing contract work stuffs on the side. (Which was what i did for cash pay before i left Tennessee the first time).

Im in my 30s, and that screened deck left my back a few years older it feels like. .

Im on a couple local contractors speed dials for framing, dry wal, roofing, drainage stuff. Got a couple elderly fellas on fixed incomes that call me about things first because ill do the work hourly instead of flat rate with most things. I only charged 10/hr+ material for that screened in deck and i think i made close to 500 total spaced out over a few months. That was entirely a thing to help an old fella (Was actually an old science teacher i had in elementary school that i totally credit for my passion for learning new information) get his dream deck and bar setup hes been trying to get for ages though. I didnt underbid the contractors because i think they charge too much, i just did it so a friend could have what he really wanted.

Framing and roofing? Yea, im INCREDIBLY glad i dont do that for a living, and have a lot of respect for the people who do. Especially those older cats you see outworking the guys my age like theyre little kids. (although to be fair, i havent met someone my age or younger, in quite some time, that had any real work ethic at all, generally, its no work ethic whatsoever) My 26 year old brother will huff and puff for 20 mins straight trying to get out of helping me do something thatll take 5 damn mins sometimes, and then he expects to be paid for it, so i dont even bother with him anymore. The dude i brought to help yesterday, few years older then me, i definitely wont be seeking his help to work anymore either. Its not a bad work ethic, it just doesnt exist.

Framing and roofing is for the young for sure, if you can actually even get them to do it, which is very unlikely ime. And if you do get em to, youll just be fixing it afterward most of the time anyway, also ime. I can count on a single hand the men i know in person around my age that have real work ethic, and actually posses usable skill-sets. It's a rapidly dying thing. All the solid, skilled workers i know, are like 40+ around here. Most in their 50s and 60s. Most dudes my age dont even know what a framing square even is, and will repeatedly damage the same door jam if they help you carry something while also complaining the entire time they are "working".

Sorry... /end rant. I have a huge bug up my ass about my own demographic. Most of us are pretty pathetic imho.
You aren’t wrong! There’s a huge gap in all of the skilled labor trades, because the schools stopped teaching kids about hard work years ago. They push kids to go to college and rack up debt because they’re feeding them into a perpetual cycle of desk jobs and misery. The boom in the tech industry is most likely to blame, although nowadays the skilled labor shortage has driven wages up to the point where some of the trades pay better than doctors and lawyers. All without the need to go to college for eight years and burden yourself with a mountain of debt. Hard work is good for the body as much as it is for the mind, and it’s way more rewarding at the end of the day to visibly see an accomplishment vs sitting in a cubicle staring at a screen all day. I learned early on how to work on vehicles and was a mechanic for 15 years, I now manage a warehouse and handle all incoming and outgoing deliveries by myself. It’s a physical job but I don’t mind it one bit because I get paid to exercise. I picked up tile work for a while too and added that skill to my set. I can handle carpentry to a degree but due to a crippling fear of heights I never perused it as a trade. Yeah the younger generations are in trouble but it’s not entirely their fault. The real culprit is society and the education system. More kids need exposure to trade schools and vocational schools and way less screen time. Although I feel a little bit of hypocrisy typing this from a smartphone.




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IMG 0610


This is going to be a disappointing post to some people.

Movies i still haven't seen:

The Godfather
The Goonies
2001: A Space Odyssey
Doctor Zhivago

there are more too.

Movies i actually own copies of:

All of the movies i just listed and then some.

Im still not sure why, i buy movies, but i never watch them. I start them, and usually within 30 minutes i just have music on. I did finally watch A Clockwork Orange a couple months ago though, and it was a very strange movie but i loved it.
Wow. But you did see Cannonball Run, yeah?


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I think I can still manage serving tonight lmao. All gravy I think. It's passing fast now and rehydrating quickly 🤣
“It’s all gravy” doesn’t sound like you should be working tonight, unless we aren’t referring to the possible doodoo butter surplus, but a condiment instead.

Fecal matters bro. 🧻 🧻🧻🧻🧻🍦🍦🍦🍦💀


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
i see that many are able to post replies as to the smiley faces where the thumbs ups go without having to make a whole new post.... how do i do that?
Oh if on a phone, just press and hold the thumbs up icon it will pull up a box with them
On a comp just float you pointer over it and hold spot.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Can someone tell me what these are please?
That is a pollenated (rodelized) calyx

Self preservation on full display.
Usually some decent beans come out of those. But, some times they are false flags and empty. it’s like the plant wants to bone itself, but then says “I’m cold and going to bed, there are old af chicken fingers on the oven”

You can always pinch it and see if it has a hard center, if yes, it’s eating for 2


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
The new old school bong came in! Hits great big 🌬️ ☁️ ☁️ 😁
That’s pretty fucking cool man.
Just don’t use alcohol on it to clean unless I’m you like that spiderweb look.

FYI if you didn’t know.

Haven’t seen one of those in a 1/4 century.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Don’t get a(head) of yourself joh………
enter, the maaaaaaagic bullet, it can go on 90 degree angles on a dime. Wait, did Jackie actually? Nooooooo, that’s some masterful editing there…..hey, right passed the driver of the car, why is half that tree gone??????


brought to you by Carl’s Jr. 👊🏻🤡


“It’s all gravy” doesn’t sound like you should be working tonight, unless we aren’t referring to the possible doodoo butter surplus, but a condiment instead.

Fecal matters bro. 🧻 🧻🧻🧻🧻🍦🍦🍦🍦💀
If it flushed itself out, and i continue to practice hygiene and im able to fully rehydrate and not feel awful, i dont see the problem. So far i havent been to the bathroom in a bit now hahahaha. i just did my garden walk around after a quick nap, feel pretty good.

If it wasnt something food poisoning or dysentery related i wouldnt be recovering this fast from something that brutal. at qabout 5am this morning my vision was blurry and couldnt leave the bathroom for a minute. I just carelessly piled buffet food into a to go container and went on my way. 99% sure i just gave myself small-town takeout poisoning. Its def a thing. i shouldnt have to worry about transmitting it with hygeine + serving alcohol drinks.

The food at these things are usually catered bar. is tonight at least. There is a restaurant, but i dont work in it.


That’s pretty fucking cool man.
Just don’t use alcohol on it to clean unless I’m you like that spiderweb look.

FYI if you didn’t know.

Haven’t seen one of those in a 1/4 century.
I had one in blue just like it but molded into the bottom was a catch under the bowl. I'd fill it with ground flower and pass it around. I added a 2" piece of 3/4" PVC pipe painted black to hold a Bic and a poker on a chain. Loved that bong. The carb was a hole on the top finger groove. I always used dishsoap and water to clean it, no alcohol on acrylic😉 that post brought back some good memories as that piece was with me from 1977 to 2013 and I miss it😥
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