Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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Step off the custom nub.

you ever send a new guy out for that chunk of handle? I’d would have done it first month everyday. ⚒️🕛
I guess I was lucky, I mean other than my hand being hamburger for the first couple weeks of swinging that hammer. No one fucked with me like that but I did haul a ton of wood by hand those first couple months until we got a new guy😉


Too damned much
Never needed one. So it a luxury item to me. Though the fast dry &cure the tout is appealing
Never got the quick-drying thing. The weed tastes like shit and dont work like it should.
I know a guy who recently bought, for like $50, some sort of drying apparatus, like a hanging rack with fans and shit.

So now the weed is dry maybe 4 days earlier than usual, but its shit and you gotta cure it for an extra week to try and get the hay smell out of it.


I guess I was lucky, I mean other than my hand being hamburger for the first couple weeks of swinging that hammer. No one fucked with me like that but I did haul a ton of wood by hand those first couple months until we got a new guy😉
I definitely don’t miss the gopher days haha, was doing the at for my dad when I was 13 haha, quickly learned how to frame, roof, plumb, electrical (minor electrical residential), do concrete, lay brick and block and basically everything in between, gald I did it for 15 years, learned a shit ton, but seeming what my old man looks like now after 45 years running the business (and he was a working boss, hardest worker every day on site) he’s done, can barely stand up I said nah, I don’t need that in another 25 years lol


Never got the quick-drying thing. The weed tastes like shit and dont work like it should.
I know a guy who recently bought, for like $50, some sort of drying apparatus, like a hanging rack with fans and shit.

So now the weed is dry maybe 4 days earlier than usual, but its shit and you gotta cure it for an extra week to try and get the hay smell out of it.
Yeah, there's little shortcuts in the drying process. I learned that using the micro and oven decades ago. Since I stopped defoliating it dries slower and tastes pretty good once dry. Curing only makes it better by very slowly drying it a bit more.


Yeah, there's little shortcuts in the drying process. I learned that using the micro and oven decades ago. Since I stopped defoliating it dries slower and tastes pretty good once dry. Curing only makes it better by very slowly drying it a bit more.
It helps natural decarboxylation a bit too. Once the chlorophyll and cellulose starts to break down it burns at a slightly lower temperature as well. It helps perceived potency just a little bit, but often by that point flavor has suffered a little. For me 6-9months. Sometimes a year in jar in dark is perfect for my taste and balancing flavor and decarb/breakdown.

There were some old super piney sativas when I first started growing that you could dry in a food dehydrator and they would still taste good. They burn like s*** and wouldn't get you very high though 🤣

Don't ask, I was like 14/15 lmao.


Yeah, there's little shortcuts in the drying process. I learned that using the micro and oven decades ago. Since I stopped defoliating it dries slower and tastes pretty good once dry. Curing only makes it better by very slowly drying it a bit more.
Yep I only strip the large fans and half the smaller fans everything else stays on and I flip them as whole as possible


I leave the frostly little leaves on the flower, what are those called in English? I leave those on. I dont sell now but when I did people got mad because of that so I took the off on my consumer weed, but I liked that way it dried better and I never minded the taste, if its properly cured.
The curing lets the chlorophyll (?) break down, it takes a while.


I definitely don’t miss the gopher days haha, was doing the at for my dad when I was 13 haha, quickly learned how to frame, roof, plumb, electrical (minor electrical residential), do concrete, lay brick and block and basically everything in between, gald I did it for 15 years, learned a shit ton, but seeming what my old man looks like now after 45 years running the business (and he was a working boss, hardest worker every day on site) he’s done, can barely stand up I said nah, I don’t need that in another 25 years lol
Smart. Our kids decided not to follow in my footsteps seeing me being whittled away daily but they never worked with me. Shame. Eldest tried local college, wasn't for him. He's a night owl and works stocking overnights in Seattle. Hates it but gotta do something. Youngest tried North Arizona State at $10k a year, partied away a couple years and today works at WinCo, department manager making $75k a year.

They saw me come home Many days beat to shit so can't blame 'em for not wanting to learn but everyone should learn a little something of how to repair a toilet or a leaking faucet. At least the basics.


I leave the frostly little leaves on the flower, what are those called in English? I leave those on. I dont sell now but when I did people got mad because of that so I took the off on my consumer weed, but I liked that way it dried better and I never minded the taste, if its properly cured.
The curing lets the chlorophyll (?) break down, it takes a while.
Sugar leaves. Looks like they are sprinkled with sugar and yes, I smoke those or keep them for oil or alcohol tincture. Good stuff😉


For 38 year old seeds, we will take it right?

it is a strong looking little thing,
I’m seeing the pheno a little more defined here, I think you have the prettiest pheno. I see it is already sporting a cannatan, it’s gonna bitch and pull mag if you are under that led in early to mid veg. May want that little shit on the perimeter, unless since you are cranking it, hell it very well could be hardened off. So I’m def stoked to see how it grows next couple weeks In particular. I
I dropped it back to 12-14" with the rest just to be safe for now. 2 afternoons at 10" and she stopped asking for more lmao.

That tan/fade isnt really even noticeable in person. The flash pulled it out and didnt even notice it myself til i pulled the pic up on my laptop lol.

You guys are gonna see me doing a lot of stuff to my plants in the future testing different phenos. Dont panic lmao.

Theyre gonna see some shit fellas, ima put the hair on their chest.


Wasnt Amazon on a while back about removing mylar zip bags and stuff cuz its drug parafinalia? Now I can buy seeds and bongs on Amazon.
once the DEA started defending the wording and layout of the 2018 hemp farm bills. A lot of companies stopped caring nearly as much lol. A lot of corporations completely stopped drug testing for thc all together, even in the outlaw states, they stopped doing fly-overs in most outlaw states, they stopped burning and spraying wild ditch weed, lots of stuff changed very quickly once the DEA started defending the wording of that legislation.

Hell in Tennessee, they've stopped looking for pot grows all together in the Natl parks/forest. Waste of money, and most of those plants wont test above 0.3%thc anyway, because its all still thc-a, and are federally legal hemp plants.


rolled up a smaller bud from #3 and tried it out. wasn't completely dry but close. to be honest i hate the taste so far. greeeeeeen but the buzz is quite unique...... initially little buzz but this stuff creeps real nice. effect keeps building for at least 10 - 15 minutes, well until i kinda started spacing out. might be real nice to mix with a little of other bud i still had. one that would have an initial buzz to complement the creeper effect and compensate for the greeeeen taste....

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I leave the frostly little leaves on the flower, what are those called in English? I leave those on. I dont sell now but when I did people got mad because of that so I took the off on my consumer weed, but I liked that way it dried better and I never minded the taste, if its properly cured.
The curing lets the chlorophyll (?) break down, it takes a while.
Sugar leaves
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