Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
You use those spare lights when you do your over under? Or just old spares now?
Yea and that will be going down next run. I have to get crafty.
My kid is coming back from NC to finish college, he’s getting a spot with one of his homies, but he’s gonna need a bit, veg spot will be shutdown for a month or so. Se 7000 will take half the room other half will be an over under. I also have tents that will need to be cleaned after I finish with the males In those. I’ll make it all work, crafty clown shit.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Imma steal that hydrometer idea with my mason jars that’s brilliant hahaha I did that with my little cloner hood never thought about a mason jar and some JB weld haha

Yeah you’re probably calmer haha just finishing up at work so o haven’t moved in awhile 🤣 hope the neighbors are ready for a 7am fattie 🤣🤣🤣
The whistle tips go “WOOO WOOOO!”

It’s like uh larmclock they lazy asses need to get up anyway WOOO WOOOO!”

Bub rub ~


What was her first clue🤔
She didnt have any clue. Probably 3 times the legal limit. Hats off that she some how drove a 3 wheeled car home without crashing, and most important didnt hurt anyone in the process. On the plus side it was a wake upcall and she hasnt drank since. I was just waiting for that knock on the door, " Excuse me sir, im officer so and so, and i couldnt help but notice the ten mile long gouge in the road littered with rim and tire pieces that lead me right here"


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I need to try the 5meo. My friend has an endless supply. I dig just puffin’ on changa without blasting off.
There’s a bunch of different herbs you can use too, I also like a nice palo santo shaving mixed in too. Light some of it too
I love palo Sanyo during any DMT experience..

Palo santo
Good intentions
Shpongle & tool.

it’s everything all at once.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
She didnt have any clue. Probably 3 times the legal limit. Hats off that she some how drove a 3 wheeled car home without crashing, and most important didnt hurt anyone in the process. On the plus side it was a wake upcall and she hasnt drank since. I was just waiting for that knock on the door, " Excuse me sir, im officer so and so, and i couldnt help but notice the ten mile long gouge in the road littered with rim and tire pieces that lead me right here"

Glad to hear she woke up. And that the knuckle head is ok.
I drank when I was a strapping young lad as well,

She wolf of Wall Street that shit huh?
Ludes and a Diablo 😜



Woo hoo my new lights came today! Just unboxed one of em, and I gotta say quite impressed with their gear so far. Seems to be really good quality. Super stoked about the detachable drivers, bye bye insane heat in the tent! Got another couple weeks on the run thats in there and I can start revamping the tent 👊👊

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Woah diddnt even see those post, nice fam! Love the unboxing feeling that’s why I store them back in the origional box and packing so every time I switch it’s like a new light 🤣🤣


if you make a list of true psychedlic compounds (indole based tryptamines)

Not only would a portion of your natural brain chemistry be found on that list, but every compound on the list, save a few modern research chemicals, and compounds like ibogaine, would also be considerably *less toxic then thc technically. Psilocybin, lsd, dmt, all orders of magnitude less toxic then thc actually. No ones been able to even kill a rat yet with pure compound LSD. Although you could drown the rat in a bucket of it i guess. But youd be wasting like $2 billion worth of acid to prove that rats can drown in liquids.
But man, what a way to go, drowning in acid. I dont think youd die actually, youd just leave your body behind.


Some 5meo Dmt, 😂
Some? Adorable blotter art
A special batch of acacia and mimosa mix DMT pull
DMT on the frost precipitation, it’ll be ready ina few hours.
A clean pull of fresh 5meo
And some legit decendant penis envy via a spore stamp mocked up in a syringe, Terrence mckenna brought that strain from the Amazon in the 70s with some spore prints.
Colonized grain spawn, now we fruit them!!!!!
Or free air exchange.
Some daily micro dose medication I make
It works.
Golden teachers

Brought to you by Carl’s Jr,
We have a new location, on the motherfucking moon 🌑

This ain’t poison homie.
This is freedom, and love for the intangible.
👊🏻🤡View attachment 2208735
WeI need to start some more wbs and get some monotubs going. My liquid cultures are definitely dead at this point. Need to make new isolates.

I also need to redo the paper stock one of these days. But I don't blow through this stuff near as fast as I used to. I only need to flush like one good monotubs a year anymore 🤣

Out of my entire collection. My prized possession is that ss02 cactus. It is the most profound and life changing thing I've ever experienced by leaps and bounds 😉 the glowing empty pot, and jar of dark liquid. That's an ss02 brew very slowly made from about 6 feet of cacti over the course of about 6 days. There's enough there for 5 people. And there it sits until 5 people are at the same point in space and time. It's already 6 years old. I tried a half shot of it a couple summers ago. It's incredibly powerful.

Honestly I haven't tripped in a few years, so the stocks are just slowly increasing over time xD
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WeI need to start some more wbs and get some monotubs going. My liquid cultures are definitely dead at this point. Need to make new isolates.

I also need to redo the paper stock one of these days. But I don't blow through this stuff near as fast as I used to. I only need to flush like one good monotubs a year anymore 🤣

Out of my entire collection. My prized possession is that ss02 cactus. It is the most profound and life changing thing I've ever experienced by leaps and bounds 😉 the glowing empty pot, and jar of dark liquid. That's an ss02 brew very slowly made from about 6 feet of cacti over the course of about 6 days. There's enough there for 5 people. And there it sits until 5 people are at the same point in space and time. It's already 6 years old. I tried a half shot of it a couple summers ago. It's incredibly powerful.

Honestly I haven't tripped in a few years, so the stocks are just slowly increasing over time xD
All that paper looks delicious 😋 🤤


All the paper I see in some pics. Love it! Anyway when I was young kids would make cinnamon paper and take it to school and share it. When d.a.r.e came into play in the 80's the schools where I grew up made it against rules to possess cinnamon paper. It was deemed a gateway substance 😂 and would lead to expulsion. Point is just say no to cinnamon paper 😂


Theb gel tabs are the tastiest. The white paper is damn good family brand. That art blotter is actually DOI. Not acid lol.

That art blotter in the painting is laid too. But it's about 40 years old now. Def no good. Just a decoration.


So the board told me to pull out the bush hog for the seasons first rough cut (off fairway a good ways, usually let it get long and flower then hog it during slow midsummer months.

Well it's not in the pull barn. (The bush hog)

It's not in the maintenance shed.

It's not on the tractor. I've been looking for it for a couple hours now.

Just found it tucked back near some trash that shouldn't even be here about 40 foot into the woods.

And this is why the grounds crew is called the ground screw by the board. And why if I had my preference I'd fire all these lazy idiots and hire my own crew.

This is a $3000 piece of equipment just dumped in the woods because someone didn't want to put it away
Read quote for my response 🤣. I messed this post up bad and can't figure it out on the fly.
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