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One of the Triangle Kush S1’s starting week 5 of flower.

Biggest yielder of the lot (though still very modest at best..) as well as having the strongest aromas and easiest to take care of. More than likely the keeper :)
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I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
Contemplating sticking these Northern Lights and White Rhino mamas outside. Clones are going well, and the weather seems to have finally leveled out for summer. The only part I hate about putting plants outside here, are the inevitable spider mites and grasshoppers bigger than your thumb that will chew a 1/4" stalk in half in >30 minutes. Luckily I have nets to put around them this year. Just re-upped on a fresh bottle of AgroMagen so spider mites aren't much of a worry, but they're literally everywhere here in CO.

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As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.


Fentanyl is getting bad around here. Some store was busted for selling gel caps with fentanyl in them. Some girl died. Can only imagine where else they are putting it. I don’t buy anything from anyone anymore. I honestly trust people on here more than I do anyone here in person.


Need an opinion.
My plants, all 12, look a little blue-ish and shiny. Does that mean too much nitrogen?
If not, what could it be and should I be concerned?
When I transplanted them I mixed a gallon of water with recharge and a couple of organic fungicides. They each got a gallon.
The soil is some kind of compost that hubby bought.

Afghan outdoor



Need an opinion.
My plants, all 12, look a little blue-ish and shiny. Does that mean too much nitrogen?
If not, what could it be and should I be concerned?
When I transplanted them I mixed a gallon of water with recharge and a couple of organic fungicides. They each got a gallon.
The soil is some kind of compost that hubby bought.

View attachment 2191782
View attachment 2191783
Nitrogen toxicity usually causes dark green leaves and the tips of the leaves will claw downward. I’m not seeing anything from your pictures, your camera might have a hard time capturing what you’re seeing with your own two eyes though.


Nitrogen toxicity usually causes dark green leaves and the tips of the leaves will claw downward. I’m not seeing anything from your pictures, your camera might have a hard time capturing what you’re seeing with your own two eyes though.
Thanks! Nope, no clawing, just shiny blue-ish, and that's with my eyeballs.
They look really good to me, but I'm still a novice after 5 years and need all the advice.
Trying to keep them healthy enough to stave off the dreaded mold come Oct.


Thanks! Nope, no clawing, just shiny blue-ish, and that's with my eyeballs.
They look really good to me, but I'm still a novice after 5 years and need all the advice.
Trying to keep them healthy enough to stave off the dreaded mold come Oct.
Some plants go blue-hued when thriving and completely satisfied. I love seeing it. Peaceblaster #2 and OJ x BB #2 are both blue-hued, and seem almost glowing from a distance lol. Def a little darker then the others, but not in a way that concerns me whatsoever.


Some plants go blue-hued when thriving and completely satisfied. I love seeing it. Peaceblaster #2 and OJ x BB #2 are both blue-hued, and seem almost glowing from a distance lol. Def a little darker then the others, but not in a way that concerns me whatsoever.
Thanks much! BTW, now that I think of it, the extras are not showing any blue at all and they aren't growing as fast either.
So, it's probably the soil. But I'm still getting wilted leaves (2 at a time) which makes me think that may be the soil too.
Great, I hate conundrums. LOL


Thanks much! BTW, now that I think of it, the extras are not showing any blue at all and they aren't growing as fast either.
So, it's probably the soil. But I'm still getting wilted leaves (2 at a time) which makes me think that may be the soil too.
Great, I hate conundrums. LOL
i dont think that blue hue has anything to do with anything but genetics tbh. My PB 1 and 3 sont go blue hued, not so far, but are very deep and happy green, and right on pace with the PB2. Not every plant will go blue hued if thriving outside, but if you do see it, you can be pretty confident it is a very happy plant.

My blue oj x BB is smaller then any of my PB, my biggs, or the mystery sativa. It's my runnerup slowest plant lol.

I dont consider it a sign of anything, or an indicator of really much of anything. But it does make me like looking at the ones that do it a lot more. GG4 was my first blue-hued plant outdoors.


On an unrelated but also not, note.

The blue hued san pedro cacti.... tend to be the most alkaloid rich/desireable cuts. The blue hued phalaris grasses are always the most alkloid rich/desirable.

My blue-hued cannabis plants have all produced the highest resin content, highest quality flower of my cannabis plants outdoors. So i guess i kinda to consider it an indicator. Just of nothing health related though.

🤷‍♂️ just something ive noticed over time.

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