Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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So here's how you make pinto beans, just FYI but ya might wanna write this one down😉
2 cups beans, water to cover. A tomato, an onion, a potato peeled and 3 cloves of garlic. 1 hr pressure cooker.
View attachment 2191913
Blend the potato, onion, tomato and garlic in the blender
View attachment 2191914
Add back to beans and stir
View attachment 2191915
These will blow your mind and EVERYONE asks me for the recipe cause they've never had beans like this before. I'm going to mash and fry a cup of these in Bacon grease for Tacos and Tostadas tonight. Out of fucking bounds good😉🥰😍
So after cooking you wizz the other things then mash with the beans. Do you mash by hand or a machine. Do you add S/P, cumin, jalapeños while mashing? Looks delicious. I pressure cook but I don’t add the Tom’s or spuds. Go ing to try it,


So after cooking you wizz the other things then mash with the beans. Do you mash by hand or a machine. Do you add S/P, cumin, jalapeños while mashing? Looks delicious. I pressure cook but I don’t add the Tom’s or spuds. Go ing to try it,
Sarranos, if I have them but jalapeno works and salt and pepper to taste. I mash the beans by hand, only about a cup in a tablespoon or 2 of hot bacon grease or a healthier oil like avacado.


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WTF is this asshole smoking?
Poisoning? 🤣🤣🤣
What does that mean? Some older people got too high and felt anxious or paranoid? Did they eat a gummy off the counter without knowing what it was?

I didnt read the article because speculating about clueless older people getting way too stoned is pretty fun.


Or better yet, anti-depressants and pain killers.
Oh man anti-depressants I forget what the name of the stuff I was on about 5 years ago( some personal issues and sorrow), never made through the first bottle.
I have never been in such a state of mind, e.g. lets say I could have been making coffee and my dog had died in front of me, my mindset might be, ok I`ll get to that in a minute type of thing.

I did not really feel any emotion at all. Anybody else have any experience such as this, or anyone else take antidepresents, my doctor wanted to try different meds, but I declined.


What strain
What does that mean? Some old people got too high and felt anxious or paranoid? Did they eat a gummy off the counter without knowing what it was?

I didnt read the article because speculating about the elderly being way too stoned is fun
Its not restricted to the elderly but thats the just of it. Its now more acceptable socially and accessable publically so more people have "ODed" on it. Imagine the number of drinkers that get the head spins....thats about an equal comparison. Okay so a pseudoscientist and a pseudojournalist walk into a bar...punch line? This article.


What strain

Its not restricted to the elderly but thats the just of it. Its now more acceptable socially and accessable publically so more people have "ODed" on it. Imagine the number of drinkers that get the head spins....thats about an equal comparison. Okay so a pseudoscientist and a pseudojournalist walk into a bar...punch line? This article.
that was my assumption. The writer of the article/website host is just anti-cannabis. Probably because some political group pays them to be lmao.

Thats comparable in my mind to taking one too many benedryl and being unable to sleep even though fading out because of restless legs 🤣

The spins from alcohol is almost too dramatic a comparison. id rather be glued to a bed unable to focus on anything but my anxieties and fears (generally a positive outcome in the end, i start working on those fears and anxieties directly after that happens), then be room spinning by a toilet bowl mentally incapable of learning a lesson, personally.


that was my assumption. The writer of the article/website host is just anti-cannabis. Probably because some political group pays them to be lmao.

Thats comparable in my mind to taking one too many benedryl and being unable to sleep even though fading out because of restless legs 🤣

The spins from alcohol is almost too dramatic a comparison imho 🤣
"What strain" was word salad left over from an unfinished post.

Restless legs SUCK! I think its my back that does it but I get them nearly every evening just sitting not even trying to sleep yet.


"What strain" was word salad left over fron an unfinished post.

Restless legs SUCK! I think its my back that does it but I get them nearly every evening just sitting not even trying to sleep yet.
Benedryl gives me restless legs, horrifically restless legs, if i take more then 50mg lol. It's one of the most uncomfortable feelings ive ever had tbh.

It's like anxiety, but in your muscle fibers themselves lmao.


Spot on, fuck the media, if they told the truth without an agenda just once, I would stroke out.
Have you seen the insane shit desantis is saying??” If you legalize marijauna then you’ll have kids bringing 20 joints to elementary school with them “ 🤣🤔😳
No idiot, if you legalize it you will lower your incarceration rate “bad for privatized prisons “ boost your tax revenue, lower your crime rates as well as opioid addiction, deaths and use, increase jobs in the agriculture industry which is huge in the sunshine state, and corner the market on low cost outdoor year round growing conditions, sell more tacos 🌮 …..,,,ohh and best part is that you can double check identification where it’s sold just like tobacco and alcohol, to keep those pesky fourth graders from hogging all the joints. Yeah this moron wanted to be president 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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