Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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Did I mention we don’t go out much 😂 I’ll look for the zucchini bread pic (or one in the freezer) but she always has something going haha that’s sourdough and chocolate sourdough
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It ain’t nothing 👊🏻🤡
They want to kill your kids to support Ukraine. 😕


I think de isn’t that bad, it’s crushed fossils of freshwater shellfish. Probably a good source of calcium. It definitely will change the texture of your topsoil though. Yeah I use the build a soil craft blend for dry amendments and the 12 seed cover crops also from them. The cover crop really gets the ball rolling and I see healthy green leaves throughout my entire vegetation stage. I will caution against not chopping the cover crop during flowering, it’ll continue to provide unneeded nitrogen and can result in a nitrogen toxicity. I had it happen with an autoflower in my 2x2 . I had a 15 gallon living soil fabric pot stuffed in there. It got pretty crazy after a while I couldn’t tell the cover crop apart from the autoflower 🤣
I read somewhere that it can mess up the ph. No idea if that’s true. Where do you get the cover crop seeds?


😍 nice! What variety is it? I have some garden spineless and some black beauty, Forgot to grab a zucchini pic today but they exploded after the rain, some people don’t realize how fast those things grow haha nothing one day come back 3 days later and your jaw drops haha, but I did a walk though, it’s crazy how fast they grow once pollinated

Broccoli patch doin allright too, then my daughter walked up and said she used the tomato clips on the marglobes and put on another row, she did great!
it's an heirloom variety that was only ever labeled "summer green zucchini" when the package was purchased lol. I dont actually have any idea what cultivar it is.


😍 nice! What variety is it? I have some garden spineless and some black beauty, Forgot to grab a zucchini pic today but they exploded after the rain, some people don’t realize how fast those things grow haha nothing one day come back 3 days later and your jaw drops haha, but I did a walk though, it’s crazy how fast they grow once pollinated

Broccoli patch doin allright too, then my daughter walked up and said she used the tomato clips on the marglobes and put on another row, she did great!
If you want those zucchini to keep pumping all season long, pick them small, and I mean SMALL. They taste the best that way too. I like to cut them when they are no thicker than my thumb.

I usually allow a plant or two to put out some that are too big to be good for sauté, but totally acceptable for zucchini bread. My wife makes 4 or 5 loaves and freezes them. We don’t even touch any zucchini bread until January or so..


I love freaking people out with my zucchini. Been doing it for years lmao.

Got to freak mom out with em this year.View attachment 2196662View attachment 2196661

the first fruit just dropped it's flower yesterday, and it's already about 8 inches long and FAT.
View attachment 2196660
Pick them bastards I say!! They’ll put out more and faster that are like 4-5” long and .75-1” diameter. Superior taste and texture. Try it!!

Chefs pay me triple to quadruple per pound for them..

I like to sauté the flowers as well sometimes.


I went over to my buddy’s place that has lower light vs. the city to see the space x launch of a satellite. Unlike the northern lights this one has results.
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My phone was tripping it wouldn’t let me get video, my lady said her phone had it all shaky. I got something, my buttons weren’t working, but I got this to work it popped the light on my phone for some reason

The thing looks like it was going not up. Is the earth flat?🤷‍♂️🤡😂. I tried to get a second video with it not increasing in altitude but staying level or decreasing.
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^ These are labeled as videos on my phone and aren’t videos, there’s a third I deleted thinking it was a blurry picture, I noticed when it said video deleted.


Pick them bastards I say!! They’ll put out more and faster that are like 4-5” long and .75-1” diameter. Superior taste and texture. Try it!!

Chefs pay me triple to quadruple per pound for them..

I like to sauté the flowers as well sometimes.
i dont need more and faster, but mom actually did on the two smaller ones in that cluster. Theres a dozen or more coming in and a lot more flowers behind them too.

i just want to see how big that one will get tbh. Ive never had one get quite that big before dropping the flower. It'll probably just be used for some bread. The big ones are fine for it, and it's about the only way i like zucchini that isnt being disguised in a cake anyway.

I dont actually like zucchini in most ways it's prepared lol, it's a plant i like to grow and and it's easy to give the fruit away. My mom def prefers the smaller one's. I dont like them enough to have a preference personally 🤣 🤣 .
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡

I do not think this would fly nowadays.
High quality, truly funny, and absolutely terrible x

A little self deprecating culture wise and presto!


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Did I mention we don’t go out much 😂 I’ll look for the zucchini bread pic (or one in the freezer) but she always has something going haha that’s sourdough and chocolate sourdough
That looks like our counters!!!😍 we only go out for sushi and in n out lol. My wife makes a really good pizza ( few years perfecting).

something you should try is pop tarts! My wife made some and my 6yr old asked “what’s a pop tart?”😂 we realized we have never had pop tarts in our house hahaha, we’ve started introducing them to cooler things hahaha! Love seeing all the homemade goodness! 😍


i dont need more and faster, but mom actually did on the two smaller ones in that cluster. Theres a dozen or more coming in and a lot more flowers behind them too.

i just want to see how big that one will get tbh. Ive never had one get quite that big before dropping the flower. It'll probably just be used for some bread. The big ones are fine for it, and it's about the only way i like zucchini that isnt being disguised in a cake anyway.

I dont actually like zucchini in most ways it's prepared lol, it's a plant i like to grow and and it's easy to give the fruit away. My mom def prefers the smaller one's. I dont like them enough to have a preference personally 🤣 🤣 .
Dude I am with you it’s sour anyway you prepare it. The heated version texture is slimy and it has a piss like smell. I guess it’s a acquired taste.


That looks like our counters!!!😍 we only go out for sushi and in n out lol. My wife makes a really good pizza ( few years perfecting).

something you should try is pop tarts! My wife made some and my 6yr old asked “what’s a pop tart?”😂 we realized we have never had pop tarts in our house hahaha, we’ve started introducing them to cooler things hahaha! Love seeing all the homemade goodness! 😍
My kids would wonder the same thing about pop tarts haha, but I actually just mentioned that to my wife about a month ago, saw it somewhere about making homemade ones now I just let it fester in her mind until she makes them 🤣


i dont need more and faster, but mom actually did on the two smaller ones in that cluster. Theres a dozen or more coming in and a lot more flowers behind them too.

i just want to see how big that one will get tbh. Ive never had one get quite that big before dropping the flower. It'll probably just be used for some bread. The big ones are fine for it, and it's about the only way i like zucchini that isnt being disguised in a cake anyway.

I dont actually like zucchini in most ways it's prepared lol, it's a plant i like to grow and and it's easy to give the fruit away. My mom def prefers the smaller one's. I dont like them enough to have a preference personally 🤣 🤣 .
That’s basically all we use ours for so we let them get big, last year we had monsters damn near a foot and Half long almost same diameter as a football all in all she probably made 45-50 loaves of zucchini bread and chocolate zucchini bread (we also sell bread to the neighbors, wife makes sandwich (white) bread, cinnamon raisin, jalapeño and cheddar, sourdough, chocolate sourdough)…. Yeah she bakes a lot lol
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