2024 ONE GALLON CHALLENGE interest topic

Would you join in on a 2024 ONE GALLON CHALLANGE

  • Yes

    Votes: 40 88.9%
  • No

    Votes: 4 8.9%
  • I’d like to discuss other pot size options for the challange

    Votes: 1 2.2%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I like that the flip time gives the photo growers a chance to see what it's like to grow an auto, with regard to working with a set veg time. Growing autos is all about that clock. I think this is perfect 😊
I’m never in a rush in veg, patience and spliffs goes a loooong way when you home stretch.


I'm in as long as it's from seed. Clones in my area are not easy to find, ordering them or taking them from your own plants is about the only option.

As far as medium, nutes, and photos/autos I say growers choice. If it's a competition to see who can grow the best in the 1 gallon pot then growers shouldn't be limited to a certain medium, nutes, or autos/photos.
I just don't think it's fair to take someone who grows with synthetic nutes and say now you need to use organic now, people who grow organic already would have an advantage.
Plus people are always like organic is better or synthetic is better, soil is better or coco is better, or photos are better or autos are better....I say put your money where your mouth is and let's see who can grow the best in their own style.

Also only 1 plant, no starting a bunch and at the end picking the best.

Oh and if we do this, I'm growing it in the middle of house somewhere because I'm not giving up tent space for a 1 gallon pot lol
Same here clones are only availabe if I take them off my own plants (or a fellow growers)

but for this competition I’d say seed only for this one

And yes that’s the point of the either daily or semi daily updates, it’ll be obvious if someone switches their plant out, I don’t see any real reason to cheat as it’s just for a group fun activity really, so cheating would only be cheating yourself lol.


I like that the flip time gives the photo growers a chance to see what it's like to grow an auto, with regard to working with a set veg time. Growing autos is all about that clock. I think this is perfect 😊
I figure the flip date does a few things equalizes photos and autos, gives us photo growers a challenge opposed to the veg time freedom we’re used to


Same here clones are only availabe if I take them off my own plants (or a fellow growers)

but for this competition I’d say seed only for this one

And yes that’s the point of the either daily or semi daily updates, it’ll be obvious if someone switches their plant out, I don’t see any real reason to cheat as it’s just for a group fun activity really, so cheating would only be cheating yourself lol.
If someone wishes to cheat so be it, not much to do about it, although there are some pretty observant peeps here so...

It looks to be a enjoyable undertaking, and I imagine there will be a lot of banter in the ways of different methods all making thier way to a final outcome.
Looks like hella fun, and will be educational as well.👍


For me Only seed and only one seed is a best.

I'm a madman.... I fill my two growboxes.... Total of 28 pots.... if I squeeze a little 30 😂🤣😁🤣😂🤣.... Lucky 😁

After, this is my personal opinion, the ideal for me, all the same seed, the same pot.....🤘🤘🤘🤘There is competition 🤘🤘🤘🤘🤘
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Any soil. 1 mix once planted no ammending. Nothing but water from start to finish. Mix what ever you want in from the start but add nothing along the way.
If you were running organic your going to have to top dress eventually, there’s not enough nutrients in a one gallon container to get you through harvest.


I want to go back to nutrient requirements, should be growers choice whether they want to use synthetic or organic.
For a synthetic grower to join the competition if it's limited to organic, they would need to go buy a bunch of stuff/spend a bunch of money to enter the competition for 1 grow in a single 1 gallon pot. It's just not very cost effective and I feel a lot of people won't be joining because of that alone.

Plus if we chose organic over synthetic or synthetic over organic, it will be like growing for the first time again for some and lots of over or under fertilization going on because of the unfamiliarity of the nutrients being used.

If it's a fun and friendly competition anyways, let growers have the chance to shine in their own style!
Why make someone spend money and alter their growing style for a friendly competition.
Either that or group organic growers together and synthetic growers in a separate group.

Who decides what's organic? Nutes I'm currently using on 1 of my grows is all from natural and organic sources but does not have the OMRI certification, will everyone have to use medium and nutrients that carry the OMRI certification?
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We all grow a bit differently and we do so because what we do works for us. The parameters, no matter how hard we try with never be equal as we cannot all grow the very same seed, and every seed will produce something different. Fems would be closer but even they produce different growing plants. It is what it is.

Having the same strain from one breeder would be the most fair and the best we could ask for in a growing contest IMHO.

But, and here's the thing, until we can organize it and plan it and more then likely it would be next year Spring to give all growers a chance to compete, let's run with this. I may end up with a boy and others as well. Personally I couldn't care less. This is for FUN and to see how good we really are😉


crap, I just repotted nettles from 1 gal 🫣😂 I might join with auto. in 1 gal it will fit somewhere surely
and if this is a friendly contest I don't care if somebody is organic or synthetic or puts magic star dust into their medium. do whatever you like and whatever suits you 🤟


Kinda surprised u haven't gotten responses from growers/pollen chuckers/pheno hunters to put up some of their seeds (f1-f3s)as prizes so people can run their lines and start getting grow journals/ feedback 🤷
It would be cool if a breeder offered 2 seeds for the cost of shipping or something like that, then everyone could agree on 1-3 strains for the competition and to join you pay the shipping cost for your seeds and orders must be in by a certain date.
I say 2 seeds so you have 2 chances to germinate in case 1 doesn't make it.
Would be a great opportunity for a breeder to show the quality of their seeds/strains.


Can someone confirm what a gallon is in pot size? Is it an imperial gallon or a us liquid gallon?
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