Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Good morning homies!
I hope everyone has a badass day in prep for the weekend.
I’ve been seeing some pretty amazing flowers being thrown up! Keep them coming by any means necessary.
Y’all are rad! A little bit of rock and roll to start this day.



So the hubby like thing (not actually married because marriage is stupid {sorry married people}) he doesnt grow or know much about it. Mostly the basic stuff like theres female and male plants. So I showed him my new babies poking up this morning and hes like
"good little guys....GIRLS! Girls! Be girls!"

Made me laugh 😅
Otto Bonn

Otto Bonn

So the hubby like thing (not actually married because marriage is stupid {sorry married people}) he doesnt grow or know much about it. Mostly the basic stuff like theres female and male plants. So I showed him my new babies poking up this morning and hes like
"good little guys....GIRLS! Girls! Be girls!"

Made me laugh 😅
I'm with you, I no longer subscribe to that institution and have no interest in renewing...ever. 😁


Bc time is fickle bitch when karma comes to collect.

Fucking a

Or Cuban B
Who knows……🤣

Rode hard and put away wet.
Hang in there cap! Out smoke that shit!!
I had 3 shots in total and still got the flu if you took your dog to the vets and got 3 rabies shots over the course of 3 years and it still got rabies what would you say or do? I’m falling apart pain and aching in all my joints just had a blood test for Lyme disease a couple of days ago I don’t know what is next I get hives and blisters on my arms and neck I wake up with fever at 101.7 3 day’s ago I feel like my energy is at 10% wtf


Rode hard and put away wet.
Hang in there cap! Out smoke that shit!!
I had 3 shots in total and still got the flu if you took your dog to the vets and got 3 rabies shots over the course of 3 years and it still got rabies what would you say or do? I’m falling apart pain and aching in all my joints just had a blood test for Lyme disease a couple of days ago I don’t know what is next I get hives and blisters on my arms and neck I wake up with fever at 101.7 3 day’s ago I feel like my energy is at 10% wtf

That sounds awful but also sounds like not just a flu...
The thing about flu shots is there are so many strains of flu now its simply impossible to block them all unlike rabies or other illness we vaccinate for. I don't remember ever getting a flu shot but I am 100% vaccinated.

I don't remember the last time I was sick. I also eat an insane amount of garlic and avoid people like the plague though 🤷‍♀️


If anyone took the vaccine I would look at the big elephant in the room that doctors seem to miss.
They didn’t miss anything, they didn’t want to bite the hand that feeds them, so they ignored it instead. Here’s the simplest example of what’s wrong with healthcare, it’s controlled by two different industries that have a corporate structure: insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, they own the healthcare system. Healthy people don’t need healthcare, but they buy into the system by being insured. Pharmaceutical companies don’t have any need for healthy people, they need lifelong relationships with their customers in order to maintain their quotas. There’s less money in a cure than there is in prolonged treatment. That’s why there’s no cures to 90% of the ailments that can be treated with pharmaceutical drugs. It’s really that simple. Trying not to rant, but that’s how I see things. 😉


They didn’t miss anything, they didn’t want to bite the hand that feeds them, so they ignored it instead. Here’s the simplest example of what’s wrong with healthcare, it’s controlled by two different industries that have a corporate structure: insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, they own the healthcare system. Healthy people don’t need healthcare, but they buy into the system by being insured. Pharmaceutical companies don’t have any need for healthy people, they need lifelong relationships with their customers in order to maintain their quotas. There’s less money in a cure than there is in prolonged treatment. That’s why there’s no cures to 90% of the ailments that can be treated with pharmaceutical drugs. It’s really that simple. Trying not to rant, but that’s how I see things. 😉
American health care is....special
Otto Bonn

Otto Bonn

They didn’t miss anything, they didn’t want to bite the hand that feeds them, so they ignored it instead. Here’s the simplest example of what’s wrong with healthcare, it’s controlled by two different industries that have a corporate structure: insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, they own the healthcare system. Healthy people don’t need healthcare, but they buy into the system by being insured. Pharmaceutical companies don’t have any need for healthy people, they need lifelong relationships with their customers in order to maintain their quotas. There’s less money in a cure than there is in prolonged treatment. That’s why there’s no cures to 90% of the ailments that can be treated with pharmaceutical drugs. It’s really that simple. Trying not to rant, but that’s how I see things. 😉
Nailed it Mahty!


This doesn’t seem like a heavily vaccinated crowd..

This was like getting chewed out by my girlfriend for 11 minutes and twenty five seconds, except there was a piano playing in the background. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. It’s too bad that every single person in that video isn’t forced to eat a transcript printed on used toilet paper of their own words. 💩


Thx my friend
Getting old kinda blows……
The clown abides. 👊🏻🤡

Seriously, it seems like as soon as I got passed the cravings from smoking cigs for 40 years, my body seems to be exercising some demons….thats what I’m telling myself.
Blood sugar has been all types of fuck you…..
I don’t know if you’re a fan of garlic or onions but both are known to help regulate blood sugar levels, me personally I don’t cook or eat much without one or the other, or both.


Asking for some knowledge. When y’all dry the plant after harvesting do you remove the fan leaves ? Thanks💨✌️
If I have an extra bushy plant I will cut it up instead of hanging whole, or remove fan leaves to help with airflow. It’s only to prevent moisture from being trapped in areas where bud on bud contact prevents surface exposure. A mold prevention technique, trying to prevent situations where it could flourish.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Rode hard and put away wet.
Hang in there cap! Out smoke that shit!!
I had 3 shots in total and still got the flu if you took your dog to the vets and got 3 rabies shots over the course of 3 years and it still got rabies what would you say or do? I’m falling apart pain and aching in all my joints just had a blood test for Lyme disease a couple of days ago I don’t know what is next I get hives and blisters on my arms and neck I wake up with fever at 101.7 3 day’s ago I feel like my energy is at 10% wtf
Rode hard and put away wet.
Hang in there cap! Out smoke that shit!!
I had 3 shots in total and still got the flu if you took your dog to the vets and got 3 rabies shots over the course of 3 years and it still got rabies what would you say or do? I’m falling apart pain and aching in all my joints just had a blood test for Lyme disease a couple of days ago I don’t know what is next I get hives and blisters on my arms and neck I wake up with fever at 101.7 3 day’s ago I feel like my energy is at 10% wtf
Brother I know how you feel


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
If I have an extra bushy plant I will cut it up instead of hanging whole, or remove fan leaves to help with airflow. It’s only to prevent moisture from being trapped in areas where bud on bud contact prevents surface exposure. A mold prevention technique, trying to prevent situations where it could flourish.
For me here where I’m at on the moon it really depends on what the Season is and what the humidity is like if it’s super high, I’ll take all the fan leaves before I hoist it. It’s really really low. I’ll leave them, but that’s only for a short window in the winter otherwise they’re coming off.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I don’t know if you’re a fan of garlic or onions but both are known to help regulate blood sugar levels, me personally I don’t cook or eat much without one or the other, or both.
Bro if I could mainline onions and garlic I would. Philly and Italian food, delis….
I did not know they had that medicinal quality.
Now I can eat even more. 😜

These colors don’t run homie👊🏻🤡
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