Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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You’re way ahead of me hahaha! I know just enough to be aware of certain shit but not know fuck all about the mechanisms or anything like that!

are you going to drop your humidity further into flower?
I’m almost done flowering the plants in question.
Humidity in my area fluctuates between 65-95% pretty much every single day, at best.

So no, I plan to flower all my girls at 55-60% year round, and that’s with the help of a dehumidifier.


Good late morning, Freaky Friday all
PXL 20240531 121101035

Been busy up-potting, 32 to be placed, ladies in wait,

PXL 20240531 154403554

Still working on it though.
PXL 20240531 160030737
PXL 20240531 160053768

And then trim jail time
PXL 20240530 120153052 1
PXL 20240508 081005666

Just cleaning this area first
PXL 20240520 162002048

PXL 20240531 162707702

Sorry if there are too many photo's but thats sort of what I am up to this last week, and next. 😫 ✌️🎩


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
I’m almost done flowering the plants in question.
Humidity in my area fluctuates between 65-95% pretty much every single day, at best.

So no, I plan to flower all my girls at 55-60% year round, and that’s with the help of a dehumidifier.
gotcha! Im asking because I too may have a higher humidity this run. I like to know what everyone is running, I use those as my parameters (pick and choose) : )


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Well I got the rest of my soil mixed up with the worm casting but then my shoulder was all "hey fuck wad remember the other day when I couldn't move? Go. Sit. Down."
Sounds like it might be time to get that “significant other” out there digging in the dirt! 😂✌️

FEEL BETTER SOON! Take care of your shoulder, if you need to sling it to just remind yourself of your brokenness then do that😂


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
Good late morning, Freaky Friday all
View attachment 2182452
Been busy up-potting, 32 to be placed, ladies in wait,

View attachment 2182453
Still working on it though.View attachment 2182460View attachment 2182461
And then trim jail timeView attachment 2182480View attachment 2182484
Just cleaning this area first
View attachment 2182482

View attachment 2182489
Sorry if there are too many photo's but thats sort of what I am up to this last week, and next. 😫 ✌️🎩
Dude we got the same type of set up! We need more space! Hahaha! Have fun! : )


I had 3 shots in total and still got the flu if you took your dog to the vets and got 3 rabies shots over the course of 3 years and it still got rabies what would you say or do? I’m falling apart pain and aching in all my joints just had a blood test for Lyme disease a couple of days ago I don’t know what is next I get hives and blisters on my arms and neck I wake up with fever at 101.7 3 day’s ago I feel like my energy is at 10% wtf

I had 3 shots in total and still got the flu if you took your dog to the vets and got 3 rabies shots over the course of 3 years and it still got rabies what would you say or do? I’m falling apart pain and aching in all my joints just had a blood test for Lyme disease a couple of days ago I don’t know what is next I get hives and blisters on my arms and neck I wake up with fever at 101.7 3 day’s ago I feel like my energy is at 10% wtf
Brother I know how you feel
That sucks. You can do some research and find plenty of vaccine injuries. Hope you get feeling better.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡


I had planned to re-install a client's garage toilet today after a major leak but she's got a lot going on with the flood/mold service in and out so you're stuck with me again today. I'll apologize up front😉

During a U2 concert in Glasgow, Scotland, Bono asked the audience for total quiet.

Then in the silence, he started to slowly clap his hands. Once every few seconds. Holding the audience in total silence, he said into the microphone "Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies."

From the front of the crowd, a broad Scottish accent pierced the quiet: "Well f#ckin' stop doin' it then ya evil b#stard!"
FB IMG 1717175585651


I had planned to re-install a client's garage toilet today after a major leak but she's got a lot going on with the flood/mold service in and out so you're stuck with me again today. I'll apologize up front😉

During a U2 concert in Glasgow, Scotland, Bono asked the audience for total quiet.

Then in the silence, he started to slowly clap his hands. Once every few seconds. Holding the audience in total silence, he said into the microphone "Every time I clap my hands, a child in Africa dies."

From the front of the crowd, a broad Scottish accent pierced the quiet: "Well f#ckin' stop doin' it then ya evil b#stard!"
View attachment 2182585
Fuckin sanctimonious prick, I love when millionaires get on a soap box and start asking their fans to dedicate their money to a cause. If they cared so much about they could donate their own money 💰 🤣


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Good late morning, Freaky Friday all
View attachment 2182452
Been busy up-potting, 32 to be placed, ladies in wait,

View attachment 2182453
Still working on it though.View attachment 2182460View attachment 2182461
And then trim jail timeView attachment 2182480View attachment 2182484
Just cleaning this area first
View attachment 2182482

View attachment 2182489
Sorry if there are too many photo's but thats sort of what I am up to this last week, and next. 😫 ✌️🎩
Zabba dabba dooooo it!
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