Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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A little update with these Nl 5 clones. They been looking sad sad sad. Twisted leaves odd bubbles on the plant. I added de already but I opted to consider spraying because when the soil dried out she was ready for water. They are drinking enough so I could finally get the soil covered. Yesterday I popped in and they were praying instead of drooping. I decided to add more and dust the floor of the tent. I can’t see what I am fighting. I had mishap and two nl plants got dusted with de. I tried to wipe it down last night on a few leaves. It didn’t quite work. I don’t want to spray the leaves anymore as that seems like it’s causing the twisting and bubbling. Looking at the photos from the last grow had similar issues and they were no longer present after stopping spraying. So for now those powder spots are remaining.View attachment 2182216View attachment 2182219^ probably not the best picture, we 40 minutes to lights out. We have leaves praying instead of drooping. I haven’t seen do that in quite a while. They looked really happy this morning. The entire tent floor got dusted last night.
What’s your RH at? I know that I see similar issues with plants in veg if my humidity is too low.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
I had 3 shots in total and still got the flu if you took your dog to the vets and got 3 rabies shots over the course of 3 years and it still got rabies what would you say or do? I’m falling apart pain and aching in all my joints just had a blood test for Lyme disease a couple of days ago I don’t know what is next I get hives and blisters on my arms and neck I wake up with fever at 101.7 3 day’s ago I feel like my energy is at 10% wtf

I had 3 shots in total and still got the flu if you took your dog to the vets and got 3 rabies shots over the course of 3 years and it still got rabies what would you say or do? I’m falling apart pain and aching in all my joints just had a blood test for Lyme disease a couple of days ago I don’t know what is next I get hives and blisters on my arms and neck I wake up with fever at 101.7 3 day’s ago I feel like my energy is at 10% wtf
Brother I know how you feel

Damn dude. Really sorry to hear this. Even though we’re just internet friends I really hope you start feeling a little better! Chronic pain is mental breaking! On top of the other bullshit you’re dealing with. Im sending healing thoughts and energy your way. I know I dont have to tell you, but damn take it easy every once and while! : ) congrats on the light also!!!!


A couple of blue dream autos I transplanted yesterday girls with skirts and no shirts. I have 16 strains going outside tomorrow going to give 6 ish away all need to be transplanted as well 6 weeks old should end up with 30 ish plants all outdoors some will be big come fall 97% of them are fems
IMG 7260
IMG 7258


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
I imagine if amazoon was a walk in store when you checked out everything would be boxed and you would be asked. "Would you like a box for your box?"
I Do like when they give you the option! Some shit I dont care sitting in my driveway, if you know I wipe my ass with a certain brand tp 🤷🏼‍♂️. But “grow space ventilation” on the side of a box is just asking for problems in my area lol!!! Seriously though some of the stupid shit that comes wrapped up and in three boxes is ridiculous. Glad you got your poop though!!!


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
A couple of blue dream autos I transplanted yesterday girls with skirts and no shirts. I have 16 strains going outside tomorrow going to give 6 ish away all need to be transplanted as well 6 weeks old should end up with 30 ish plants all outdoors some will be big come fall 97% of them are fems
The two lights you have at the top of your set up is what I made my whole grow light out of!(12 total)😂 needless to say I enter every light giveaway I can! Hahahaha!!!

Love the the set up though! And god I love the big outdoor gardens!!♥️😍


I’ve got some plants that probably should be closer to ripe by now. Though, I’ve been keeping the plants at 68-72 degrees for a while for color. Think that could slow them down by as much as a week or more?


Do you have a thread up with pics?

But there’s another kinda funny thing about them. I was going to flip them at some point and then decided against it. I had been lowering the light hours gradually and was holding at 14/10 but then they matured and started flowering anyways. Lesson learned. Also I wasn’t all the way down to 12/12 for another 10 days or so from then, I assume that could have slowed them down some as well.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?

But there’s another kinda funny thing about them. I was going to flip them at some point and then decided against it. I had been lowering the light hours gradually and was holding at 14/10 but then they matured and started flowering anyways. Lesson learned. Also I wasn’t all the way down to 12/12 for another 10 days or so from then, I assume that could have slowed them down some as well.

This topic is a little over my experience level but if in my thinking what you’re talking about could work. My thought is just finding that fine line of “growth stoppage to growth slowing”, that would be my concern that I’ve gone too cold : ) 🤷🏼‍♂️

It’s a super cool question! I’ll be watching for some more knowledgeable answers! ✌️



This topic is a little over my experience level but if in my thinking what you’re talking about could work. My thought is just finding that fine line of “growth stoppage to growth slowing”, that would be my concern that I’ve gone too cold : ) 🤷🏼‍♂️

It’s a super cool question! I’ll be watching for some more knowledgeable answers! ✌️
That makes sense. They definitely have not stopped growing by any means..

Also the humidity is 57-61% all the time so the transpiration rate is fairly low I would think, when you factor in the relatively low temperatures. Perhaps that’s a factor as well.


If you were a hotdog would you eat yourself?
That makes sense. They definitely have not stopped growing by any means..

Also the humidity is 57-61% all the time so the transpiration rate is fairly low I would think, when you factor in the relatively low temperatures. Perhaps that’s a factor as well.
You’re way ahead of me hahaha! I know just enough to be aware of certain shit but not know fuck all about the mechanisms or anything like that!

are you going to drop your humidity further into flower?
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