Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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So, next evolution for me. A 45x45x120 cm tent with a 60w quantum board. Like a one plant personal grow in soil. Gonna be fun and I will learn even more this time around I'm sure. Already looking forwards towards my next evolution. Been looking at a 200w spider farm kit that's not crazy pricewise.


So, next evolution for me. A 45x45x120 cm tent with a 60w quantum board. Like a one plant personal grow in soil. Gonna be fun and I will learn even more this time around I'm sure. Already looking forwards towards my next evolution. Been looking at a 200w spider farm kit that's not crazy pricewise.
Nice, these items sure look alot better inside the house than on the net.😄


Kinda, but not exactly. The orange bits are larger on mine, and actually the shape of a mushroom, less like a fuzz growing from them. Assumed it was a fungal disease of some sort.

And yea im thinking im going to cut down all the bradfords along that property line, and put in some Tulip Poplars. Taller, faster, better looking trees that arent as heavy and a bit more flexible in the storms. And i already have several at the perfect size scattered about my property. Poplars transplant very well too

Straight line winds aim for bradford pear the same way tornados aim for trailer parks. 🤣
You may want to re-think the Tulip poplars. We had strong winds a few years ago and that's the only tree on my property that broke in half.


Being out of growing for sometime what is the preferred method/product for insect control? Mainly spider mites.
I don't know if your are going to get one clear answer for this one. Whats your grow method? Are you in a tent or have a room?

Always prevention first. Clean between rounds or on a routine if you are sort of always on the go. Try and not roll around outside then go visit your plants lol


I don't know if your are going to get one clear answer for this one. Whats your grow method? Are you in a tent or have a room?

Always prevention first. Clean between rounds or on a routine if you are sort of always on the go. Try and not roll around outside then go visit your plants lols

I don't know if your are going to get one clear answer for this one. Whats your grow method? Are you in a tent or have a room?

Always prevention first. Clean between rounds or on a routine if you are sort of always on the go. Try and not roll around outside then go visit your plants lol
Soil, the issue arose because I didn't inspect a clone before introducing to garden. I have got it 90 percent corrected but want to keep something around in case I run into another issue. Areas are clean. I used to do diatomaceous earth, neem, light soap and alcohol solution and basic rinses. Just curious if any worth while product have been created in past 10 years or so.


You may want to re-think the Tulip poplars. We had strong winds a few years ago and that's the only tree on my property that broke in half.
my trees will break in storms here, its what they do. Especially on that exposed hill property line. Learned that quickly this spring here lol. I already had an idea though since those bradfords were damaged already in places.

Im thinking more how narrow the tree's grow (tulip[ poplars grow tall and narrow when in hilly landscapes), how flexible they are, whether theyre native or not, and how heavy the wood is when i inevitably have to clean some of it up. Poplar wood isn't very heavy, even when wet.

I also would like them to be a fast growing tree. And if possible something with spring or summer color. I would do maples, but i have plenty of those, and maples here dont drop all their leaves in winter and look real ugly through the cold because of it.

Plus i dont have to buy the tulip poplars and they're som of th only tree's you can transplant without worrying about shock, and Id rather buck and clean up an entire row of poplar trees, then a single storm collapsed bradford pear that isnt on flat ground. So would my saw chains. I could buck nearly an entire 50 foot poplar as quickly as making a couple trunk cuts on a bradford. It's light enough to fill a trailer and cart around with the lawnmower, and it seasons into excellent firewood in a single winter and they're beautiful tree's. Even their bark and trunks are attractive to me.
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Soil, the issue arose because I didn't inspect a clone before introducing to garden. I have got it 90 percent corrected but want to keep something around in case I run into another issue. Areas are clean. I used to do diatomaceous earth, neem, light soap and alcohol solution and basic rinses. Just curious if any worth while product have been created in past 10 years or so.
Sounds solid to me. I mean I am sure there is a bunch of other options but your method matches mine


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
Being out of growing for sometime what is the preferred method/product for insect control? Mainly spider mites.
Get yourself some AgroMagen Grow safe Biopesticide. https://www.amazon.com/Bio-Pesticid...1717771461&sprefix=Agromagen+,aps,2440&sr=8-2

Don't be discouraged by the price, it is a little pricey, but it works. I've been using this stuff for years now and it works 100% of the time. Won't burn your plants, safe to use from seed/clone through harvest. 100% organic, OMRI listed, natural ingredients. Everyone I have recommended this product to, has also had 100% success. 1 application will eradicate even the most dense spider mite infestations. Also, won't kill honeybees so safe to use outdoors on food crops, as well.
As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.


Wet trimming takes so long!! 😆 do most people hand trim or use the trimming machines. I can't imagine hand trimming lots of plants! Trimming again today!
And the reason it's called trim jail. I leave the leaves on until I'm ready to smoke. It takes longer to dry but dries nicer and cures well. I've never used a trimmer. A few hours, a bunch rolled, Fiskars spring pruning snips and rubbing alcohol to clean the snips. Invite some friends over to help.


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