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I know this isn’t a doctor forum but has anyone had problems eating until late at night? I just received a not so great call about my blood work. Low white blood cells and more junk. Ordered me a chest scan and ct scan. I can’t stand going to the VA. I’ve lost 40 lbs in 2 years and not from any hard drugs. Doesn’t help I vape smoke grass and weld 🤷


I know this isn’t a doctor forum but has anyone had problems eating until late at night? I just received a not so great call about my blood work. Low white blood cells and more junk. Ordered me a chest scan and ct scan. I can’t stand going to the VA. I’ve lost 40 lbs in 2 years and not from any hard drugs. Doesn’t help I vape smoke grass and weld 🤷
I totally understand not liking the doctor but it sounds like you should take this very seriously. Do you weld for a living? I only welded for a few year after I got my tickets because of my back but I felt those few years in my lungs. I just recently was diagnosed with high blood pressure and am having to be tested a bunch too but yours does sound very serious...take care of yourself sooner vs later it can make a big difference.
🤞🤞🤞I hope you end up being just fine


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
I know this isn’t a doctor forum but has anyone had problems eating until late at night? I just received a not so great call about my blood work. Low white blood cells and more junk. Ordered me a chest scan and ct scan. I can’t stand going to the VA. I’ve lost 40 lbs in 2 years and not from any hard drugs. Doesn’t help I vape smoke grass and weld 🤷
Sounds like pre-diabetes to me. I'm in the same boat. No appetite like all day just feel nauseous and shakey until I eat something. Exercise and forcing yourself to eat are the best things you can do aside from changing your diet.


Sounds like pre-diabetes to me. I'm in the same boat. No appetite like all day just feel nauseous and shakey until I eat something. Exercise and forcing yourself to eat are the best things you can do aside from changing your diet.
Oh...that sounds familiar....
I got diagnosed with high blood pressure and sent for a bunch of tests than my doctor fucked off to do a doctors with out borders tour so I am in limbo waiting for results until hes back in a few weeks. Never even considered diabetes. Do you ever start fixing a meal and then get really ill feeling and cant eat it? I have been doing that a lot lately.


I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.
Oh...that sounds familiar....
I got diagnosed with high blood pressure and sent for a bunch of tests than my doctor fucked off to do a doctors with out borders tour so I am in limbo waiting for results until hes back in a few weeks. Never even considered diabetes. Do you ever start fixing a meal and then get really ill feeling and cant eat it? I have been doing that a lot lately.
All the time lol luckily my wife cooks and forces me to eat something every day. It was hell while she was gone, though. I can cook, I just hate to cook for myself so she's a huuuuuuge help. <3<3>3


my trees will break in storms here, its what they do. Especially on that exposed hill property line. Learned that quickly this spring here lol. I already had an idea though since those bradfords were damaged already in places.

Im thinking more how narrow the tree's grow (tulip[ poplars grow tall and narrow when in hilly landscapes), how flexible they are, whether theyre native or not, and how heavy the wood is when i inevitably have to clean some of it up. Poplar wood isn't very heavy, even when wet.

I also would like them to be a fast growing tree. And if possible something with spring or summer color. I would do maples, but i have plenty of those, and maples here dont drop all their leaves in winter and look real ugly through the cold because of it.

Plus i dont have to buy the tulip poplars and they're som of th only tree's you can transplant without worrying about shock, and Id rather buck and clean up an entire row of poplar trees, then a single storm collapsed bradford pear that isnt on flat ground. So would my saw chains. I could buck nearly an entire 50 foot poplar as quickly as making a couple trunk cuts on a bradford. It's light enough to fill a trailer and cart around with the lawnmower, and it seasons into excellent firewood in a single winter and they're beautiful tree's. Even their bark and trunks are attractive to me.
These are among my favorite of trees 💚
IMG 20240607 155125


Sounds like pre-diabetes to me. I'm in the same boat. No appetite like all day just feel nauseous and shakey until I eat something. Exercise and forcing yourself to eat are the best things you can do aside from changing your diet.

Same thing here. I get an appetite at around 4-5pm, so I cook my food… by the time I get it on the plate my stomach starts acting up and I get nauseous.
Oh...that sounds familiar....
I got diagnosed with high blood pressure and sent for a bunch of tests than my doctor fucked off to do a doctors with out borders tour so I am in limbo waiting for results until hes back in a few weeks. Never even considered diabetes. Do you ever start fixing a meal and then get really ill feeling and cant eat it? I have been doing that a lot lately.

That’s the same way I feel tree. Hungry until I get food in front of me. Cholesterol was high and I don’t even eat. How is that lol.


All the time lol luckily my wife cooks and forces me to eat something every day. It was hell while she was gone, though. I can cook, I just hate to cook for myself so she's a huuuuuuge help. <3<3>3
My wife is the same way but she’s in nursing school and she has lupis (possibly some other bad stuff). I try to let her relax


Same thing here. I get an appetite at around 4-5pm, so I cook my food… by the time I get it on the plate my stomach starts acting up and I get nauseous.

That’s the same way I feel tree. Hungry until I get food in front of me. Cholesterol was high and I don’t even eat. How is that lol.
Not trying to sell anything just share a little story...

About a year and a half ago I cut out all high fructose, White sugar, bioengineered / GMO and highly processed foods from my diet

3 months after this change I was off of blood pressure meds that I've been on for 20 years

My BP numbers were very high too, frequently both in triple digits

Now it's steady as a rock in the 120/80 range. And with no additional changes in diet or exercise I've lost about 15 pounds too
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