Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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Mostly Cali Blues and some Tropicana Cookies x Okie

Looking a little haggard after just being soaked with neem. I just transplanted these and then moved them from outside into a tent. I know I know, but I think I’ll be successful ;)

I have a feeling I got the goat out of the 9 Cali Blues I sprouted. Half or so smell of blueberry pretty strongly. But ONE is very special and has been since the beginning. Any slight touch has always smelled suuuper strongly of blueberry. Okay, not toooo special but after it reached maturity, you can literally just hover above it and smell blueberry strongly without so much as agitating the plant. It’s insane..

Another spray in 3 days with Zymes, then another 3 days later with Pyrethrin, followed by Zerotol 2.0 (organic bactericide/fungicide) and then the flip!

Open to other outdoor to indoor transitional suggestions ;)
60E78420 87DE 47DA 9D40 7E3320F4B6CA


Continue to treat for pests for the next month. H202 the soil if any of it came in with them too, i imagine it did.

If im spraying a plant, and none of the material on it now will be on it come harvest, i use permethrin bringing stuff in from outside. Ill Take no chances, i will straight liquify a bugs central nervous system if they come in on a plant or clone.

My suggestions/ 2 cents 🤣 Im scared shitless of russet mites lmao. And now i live in one of the only states that never stopped cultivating industrial hemp.


Continue to treat for pests for the next month. H202 the soil if any of it came in with them too, i imagine it did.

If im spraying a plant, and none of the material on it now will be on it come harvest, i use permethrin bringing stuff in from outside. Ill Take no chances, i will straight liquify a bugs central nervous system if they come in on a plant or clone.

My suggestions/ 2 cents 🤣 Im scared shitless of russet mites lmao. And now i live in one of the only states that never stopped cultivating industrial hemp.
Yeah I’m scared of them too. There’s a hemp farm just on the other side of the mountain top I live on. I’ve never seen the operation and it’s not huge, but I don’t trust that shit none..

Permethrin eh? I suppose I’ll consider breaking out the big guns just once for the transition, before flowering. I have a pint or so that I’ve never used..


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Lmfao. My Original Jack x Big Bug came from dead fam. The gg4 cut that started the peaceblaster came form dead fam. The afghani land race in the4 PB came from dead fam. The columbian pollen donor, dead fam.

I got the cali blues, banners, etc.... came from some dead fam 🤡🤜🤛

Anyone wanna take a gander where the blue dream male, and old BC animal cookies (sativa pheno) in the PB came from? You'll NEVER guess! 🤣🤣

View attachment 2191376

Btw Im in post office limbo again to those i promised some of the remaining Peaceblaster F1s.


Yeah I’m scared of them too. There’s a hemp farm just on the other side of the mountain top I live on. I’ve never seen the operation and it’s not huge, but I don’t trust that shit none..

Permethrin eh? I suppose I’ll consider breaking out the big guns just once for the transition, before flowering. I have a pint or so that I’ve never used..
0.05% is where i mix i believe.

It definitely has its uses through. PERmethrin fantastic for preventing bringing bugs in. And its fantastic for preventing younger more fragile plants from being mauled right away right when transitioned outdoors and you know itll be a lot longer then a few weeks til you harvest anything from the plant.

A light spraying of PYrethrin on the surface of container soil, and watering through, will kill any eggs in the soil. Mite or otherwise too. And without killing the colonized bacteria like h202 will. It'll be oxidized and gone within a week.

Do not do this outside, and especially not with PERmethrin (disclaimer lmao) It'll kill worms and make its way into the aquafer before it breaks down.
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Continue to treat for pests for the next month. H202 the soil if any of it came in with them too, i imagine it did.

If im spraying a plant, and none of the material on it now will be on it come harvest, i use permethrin bringing stuff in from outside. Ill Take no chances, i will straight liquify a bugs central nervous system if they come in on a plant or clone.

My suggestions/ 2 cents 🤣 Im scared shitless of russet mites lmao. And now i live in one of the only states that never stopped cultivating industrial hemp.
i’ve got rid of them with 50% strength isopropyl and soak everywhere except your medium COVER your medium to prevent isopropyl getting into it, ain’t the end but will set you back if you don’t,.. russet like to live in new shoots so get in there good.. one good soaking should take care of all stages of life and eggs,..
nothing better,. period!,..


i’ve got rid of them with 50% strength isopropyl and soak everywhere except your medium COVER your medium to prevent isopropyl getting into it, ain’t the end but will set you back if you don’t,.. russet like to live in new shoots so get in there good.. one good soaking should take care of all stages of life and eggs,..
nothing better,. period!,..
sure they were hemp russet mites and not tomato russets or some of a different vein?

The couple hemp russet mite infections ive seen happen were essentially comparable to nuclear warheads going off. And structures even had to be abandoned for growing cannabis flower because they still came back after full fumigation. So did the land. The suspected culprit was a hemp farm a couple miles away. In both cases actually. Those are popping up everywhere now too. Some lineages survived better then others as well. A fiber hemp farm can get by managing hemp russet mites. A drug strain cannabis flower grow cant you have to completely remove their presence entirely. When that farm is right over yonder it's impossible lol. Doesnt matter how clean your apartment is, when theres a festering roach nest next door over. Put all the roach motels down you want, youll still see them every single night, and the back of your fridge will still be covered in bug shit. Because they aren't coming from your apartment.....

Thats why im so scared of them lmao. Im scared of the fiber hemp plants escaping into the wild all over the country. I already have a suspected wild hemp hybrid in my current grow. Im scared of all the breeders up north pollen chucking autoflower pollen into the air around wild industrail hemp that is expanding rapidly.

There's a lot more plants flowering when they arent expected to in spring then there used to be.... plants that should be entirely photoperiod. Was a little blown away this spring by how many ive seen online. Lots right on here lol. I havent been on the forums in about 10 years, and back then i was getting poo poo's for straight up calling it, as far as i can tell.

The hemp russet mite, the expansions of wild ditch hemp, and the open air pollen chucking of autoflower pollen. All of these things are why im so concerned with preserving F1 cannabis seed too. Huge part of it. I never even got to try the Gros Michel banana because of widescale dumb cultivation mistakes like this.
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sure they were hemp russet mites and not tomato russets or some of a different vein?

The couple hemp russet mite infections ive seen happen were essentially comparable to nuclear warheads going off. And structures even had to be abandoned for growing cannabis flower because they still came back after full fumigation. So did the land. The suspected culprit was a hemp farm a couple miles away. In both cases actually. Those are popping up everywhere now too. Some lineages survived better then others as well. A fiber hemp farm can get by managing hemp russet mites. A drug strain cannabis flower grow cant you have to completely remove their presence entirely. When that farm is right over yonder it's impossible lol.

Thats why im so scared of them lmao. Im scared of the fiber hemp plants escaping into the wild all over the country. I already have a suspected wild hemp hybrid in my current grow. Im scared of all the breeders up north pollen chucking autoflower pollen into the air around wild industrail hemp that is expanding rapidly.

There's a lot more plants flowering when they arent expected to in spring then there used to be.... plants that should be entirely photoperiod. Was a little blown away this spring by how many ive seen online. Lots right on here lol. I havent been on the forums in about 10 years, and back then i was getting poo poo's for straight up calling it, as far as i can tell today lmao.

The hemp russet mite, the expansions of wild ditch hemp, and the open air pollen chucking of autoflower pollen. All of these things are why im so concerned with preserving F1 cannabis seed too. Huge part of it. I never even got to try the Gros Michel banana because of widescale dumb cultivation mistakes like this.
just up the percentage of isopropyl if 50% strength does’t work,.
i’m 99.9% sure i had russet mites, the damage to the plant is different than spider mites and russets really damage the plant fast,. 6-7% peroxide didn’t do a thing, but gave a few soakings of isopropyl and completely gone and went on to harvest,. it was that Afghanica all my friends rave about..
anyhoo time to go plant the kumaoni giant,. just how am i going to get it into the car🤦🏼🤦🏼


just up the percentage of isopropyl if 50% strength does’t work,.
i’m 99.9% sure i had russet mites, the damage to the plant is different than spider mites and russets really damage the plant fast,. 6-7% peroxide didn’t do a thing, but gave a few soakings of isopropyl and completely gone and went on to harvest,. it was that Afghanica all my friends rave about..
anyhoo time to go plant the kumaoni giant,. just how am i going to get it into the car🤦🏼🤦🏼

its a much different thing when the bugs are coming from an industrial sized cultivation facility next door, whos bottom line is benefited more by managing such pests rather then exterminating them. Every single time they spray, your plants will become infected heavily. I can confirm this from personal experience. When this happens, you might as well abandon growing on that property all together. If you're not spraying pesticides weekly until harvest, you will not harvest a single flower without russet mite damage from that land while that facility exists near by ever again. Not a single one. I can confirm this personally lol. You can come outside one morning, to a plot of plants full of mites, that were clean yesterday. And this can happen up to 4x a month all fall long. When a hemp farm near by sprays for bugs, it is a tsunami of hemp russet mites coming for your plants now, in the middle of september... They have nowhere else to go.

Russet mites are bad news in the future. Much less bad news right now for most people, but they will be our bane in years to come.

Sorry im such a downer with russet mites, autoflowers, and hemp. These shouldn;t be any reason for worry at all. It's just that i see no reason to believe we have learned from any of our mistakes as plant Shepherds in the past.
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i’ve got rid of them with 50% strength isopropyl and soak everywhere except your medium COVER your medium to prevent isopropyl getting into it, ain’t the end but will set you back if you don’t,.. russet like to live in new shoots so get in there good.. one good soaking should take care of all stages of life and eggs,..
nothing better,. period!,..
As scary as that sounds to do to a plant I guess if it works and you were able to take the plant to harvest it won't hurt the plant. Did it stunt it at all when you applied the alcohol?


As scary as that sounds to do to a plant I guess if it works and you were able to take the plant to harvest it won't hurt the plant. Did it stunt it at all when you applied the alcohol?
Cannabis resins and terpines are also soluble in alcohol. Most plant essential oils and terpines are. And cannabis grows lots of resin heads on its surface. And ive made some reaaaaaaly good qwiso (qwuick wash iso) with fresh cut buds before too. It usually turns out better then dry. use that info as ya see fit lol.

But If youre other option is let mites eat your flowers. Easy decision. I def wouldnt be spraying them with permethrin or something lol.

ive sprayed plants in veg with alcohol before, and they do fine, just make sure if any drops pool on the leaf tips you tap the leaf to get them off. Havent had to in flower. Thank god. Ill treat every shrub and bush within 100 foot of my plants to not have to spray flowering plants with anything at all if i need to once i know my plants are clean though. Bubble them in xD

Some more sensitive plants will burn where the alcohol pools, especially younger plants. My 2 cents.
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
THIS is what it's all about😍 I kinda feel sorry for the fem only folks😉

We started getting the Hawaiian mid 70's, a year or two before the Skunk hit. $10gm and limited supply. Always worth it, just like the Afgan hash, $10gm and not always available.

Can't imagine what all those crosses would produce. Maybe the next GG4?
Homie there are a couple few potential players with what’s available to breed with atm.
I also think I’m going to seperate the regs and fems, and flower both rooms. Fuck it! 👊🏻🤡


WAP by Nicki Minaj.
I mean your logic is flawless, color the truck pink and call it the the pink taco express. I think we’re on to something here. I’m going to stay up late and draw up a business plan, first thing tomorrow morning I’m going to go to the bank and get a small business loan. Brilliant idea!


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I mean your logic is flawless, color the truck pink and call it the the pink taco express. I think we’re on to something here. I’m going to stay up late and draw up a business plan, first thing tomorrow morning I’m going to go to the bank and get a small business loan. Brilliant idea!
Furry tuna tacos to the front ⏩
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