Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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🐼 🚀
Well I own 1... and alot of people tried to "recreate" the same results with a lot of other equipment... so.. honestly . If any of you think you can build 1 to be .1 pinpoint accurate of a degree of humidity or temps... then let me know I'll be all ears.. but just know it's been attempted.. and they failed... everyone.
Incorrect my good sir, the inventors of canantrol succeeded. So it can definitely be done.
I hear those are great, If you dried properly. Just wayyyy too much money unless I start slinging pounds or something 🤣 💰


Well I own 1... and alot of people tried to "recreate" the same results with a lot of other equipment... so.. honestly . If any of you think you can build 1 to be .1 pinpoint accurate of a degree of humidity or temps... then let me know I'll be all ears.. but just know it's been attempted.. and they failed... everyone.
I could absolutely not build something like that. I just want to know how it works.


So my lady wants to buy me a new piece for getting old and stuff to replace my 20 year old Jerome Baker. I really want something like that late 90’s yellow hand blown glass. I looked up his website and wow $750-1000 for the style of stuff I am looking for. He’s got some affordable stuff but it’s not exactly what I am looking for. I am looking at the Chong website and I seeing similar stuff that I don’t want, beaker style stuff. Anyone have any suggestions for hand blown glass made in the USA? I don’t want any Chinese glass or amazon suggestions. I don’t need the crazy beautiful art work Jerome offers for a premium. Simple shapes are good for me.

I am not an amazon employee and your next purchase does not guarantee a free purple dildo.


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Durban poison, cali blues, Nl2, and the purest indica seem to like their new pots and have no objections today.^
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I had some shit go down on the right rear nl5 clone and the front sensi seeds on the left which didn’t have the bubbles which I am assuming are from bugs. I was trying to bend them over to cure the mag deficiency the two rear were displaying. Oddly both of them without much force at all broke. At first I tried taping it and thought to myself what’s it going to do when it grows the top , snap like that? I removed the entire top, hopefully they grow in like a topped intentionally plant with two tops. These clones are having a rough time. I added silica to prevent that going forward.
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Well I existed to hard yesterday and somehow managed to blow up my shoulder. I was doing a walk through my garden to see if anything needed addressing after the butt load of rain we have had lately. When I reached down to pull a weed and bam. Shoulder fucked, I am fine from the elbow down but I can't lift my arm at the shoulder. When I try I get stabbing pain and then it gets all weird and week feeling and lowers itself like its a reflex and I have little choice about it. Its worse reaching infront of me than it is to the side but either way it is fucking useless. I was hoping I would wake up to a functioning shoulder but instead it kept my up most of the night. 😡
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